April 24, 2024
Expressions of Interest are sought from suitably qualified Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander individuals with an interest in serving on the skills-based Board of a native title service provider.
NTS Goldfields Ltd (NTSG) commenced on 27 November 2019 as the not-for-profit provider of native title services for the Aboriginal people of the Goldfields region of Western Australia. Since then, the region has been expanded to include those parts of the South-West that were not included in the Indigenous Land Use Agreements that resolved native title in that region. The region encompasses a large area of lands, waters and sea country including the towns of Kalgoorlie, Coolgardie, Kambalda, Menzies, Leonora, Laverton, Leinster, Southern Cross, Norseman, Esperance, Dalwallinu, Eucla and their surrounds.
The objective of the NTSG Board is to provide leadership, governance, and oversight of the running of the organisation on behalf of its constituents. The Board is interested in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants with expertise in a range of skills and in particular, two broad areas. The first area of expertise is in knowledge and understanding of the Goldfields region, particularly in relation to native title. The second area of highly desirable expertise is in leadership, either in a community context or in a professional role. The position is voluntary; however travel, accommodation and related expenses will be met by NTSG. Directors are initially appointed for a one-year term, and they can be reappointed at the end of the term.
If you wish to discuss the roles in more detail, please contact the Chair Mr Terry Grose at terry@groseinternational.com, or Director Ms Sharon Reynolds at sharonreynolds67@gmail.com. Short-listed applicants will be contacted for interview.
To respond to this opportunity, please submit your resume and a cover letter outlining your interest, experience, and suitability for the position. Please email your application to ceo@ntsg.org.au by close of business Monday 3 June 2024.