Invitation for Traditional Owners to participate in review of NTSG

August 11, 2023

Traditional Owners are invited to share their views on how well Native Title Services Goldfields (NTSG) has performed its role as a Native Title Representative Body over the last three years.

NTSG is being reviewed by an independent reviewer (Nous Group) on behalf of the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA), which funds NTSG and the other Native Title Representative Bodies and Service Providers (NTRB-SPs). Nous Group is an independent company (separate from government) with extensive experience in these kinds of reviews. The review of NTSG is part of a wider review of 13 NTRB-SPs across Australia.

The Nous Review Team is keen to understand the views of Traditional Owners, including native title claimants and holders, about the strengths and achievements of NTSG’s performance in native title (from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2022) as well as opportunities for improvement. If you are a Traditional Owner, we would like to invite you to share your experience with NTSG through a 10-minute anonymous survey which is linked below.

The Nous review team will be conducting consultations in Perth on Monday 21 August and Tuesday 22 August 2023, and in Kalgoorlie on Wednesday 23 August and Thursday 24 August 2023. If you would particularly like to speak with a review team member, please let us know at

We assure you that all your answers will be kept anonymous and used to inform insights for our reports. Your answers will NOT be shared with NTSG or the NIAA.

Click here to take the anonymous survey

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