About NTS Goldfields Ltd
NTS Goldfields Ltd’s (NTSG) focus is to secure native title recognition for people in the Goldfields region. NTSG was founded on 9 August 2019, and became the native title service provider for the Goldfields region on 27 November 2019, with the signing of a funding agreement with the National Indigenous Australians Agency. NTSG provides facilitation and assistance functions to Aboriginal people in the Goldfields region under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth). Information on how to access these services, and what to do if you are unhappy with any decisions that we make, is found on this website under Community Resources.
The NTSG Board has five (5) Directors, three (3) of whom are traditional owners from the region: Mr Terry Grose – Chair; Ms Sharon Reynolds; Ms Rowena Leslie; Mr Judd Harris and Dr Carolyn Tan. The Board meets regularly and provides the governance and strategic direction for the staff of NTSG.
NTSG has two offices, one at 159-161 Dugan Street, Kalgoorlie and one at Unit 1, 7 Tully Road, East Perth. Please feel free to come and visit us in person at either location – we would love to speak to you.